ibs Dashboard


Employees are working on many subjects, different processes. They need a unique access point to be informed of any unusual event or alert. They need also to watch their different activities the easiest and the most efficient way. Then valoores in'Retail provide the Suite users with a tool to directlypush the information to them instead of the latter having to hunt for the needed information. Then, the users will be able to detect where they need to act and then follow the links to execute the related actions.

“From the decision to the execution”

The Dashboard provides at-a-glance views of key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your objective(s) or business process(es). It permits also to be redirected to the right page or to presentcontextual information to have a full picture of the situation, to take the right decision.


ibs Dashboard main benefits are the below:

  • Work by exception
    The Suite portal brings the user the information he needs to treat in priority. He doesn't need to look for unexpected business behavior in each application.
  • Consolidate information coming from the entire Suite
    ibs Dashboard is capable of receiving and merging information from any application. Then, the same user can be alerted in the same place about an event coming from ibs Referential and ibsPricing.
  • At-a-glance views of key performance indicators (KPIs)
    Each user needs to monitor his activity thanks to Key Performance Indicators. The ibs Dashboardbrings the user the KPI reports he needs (and he is authorized to consult) from two different manners: either like a library or displaying directly the report and/or chart results, refreshed in real time.
  • Be alerted in real time of any event
    Thanks to ibs Workflow, the ibs Dashboard is fed continuously with real time events. The alert portlet also authorize users to send themselves alerts to each other.
  • Organize and share your tasks
    The To-Do portlet can be also fed through workflow or manually in case the user wants to manage his schedule with the automated business processes in the same place.
  • Share corporate information
    While corporate information sharing can be strategic in term of team building, the ibs Dashboardcan vehicle corporate news thanks to a banner.


The ibs Dashboard contains the following key features:

  • Indicators & KPIs:
    Analyze, Manage: Select the reports and the KPI to be display on a dashboard
  • Alerts and To-do Lists:
    Real time information, work by exception. Alert and Task management within the Dashboard
  • Favorites news & RSS:
    Be redirected to the right place. The dashboard leads the user to contextual places which can be within the Suite or to external information
  • Dashboard Design Management:
    Customization and Template Management: Customize your own Dashboard and Define default design by group of users.

ibs Dashboard provides valoores in'Retail' users at-a-glance views of key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to one or many particular objective(s) or business process(s) (e.g. Sales, marketing, human resources, or production) covered by valoores in'Retail' Suite.