ibs System
Data integrity and security is the concern of every business. Companies want to make sure that their data is safe
and secure, and viewed by authorized users only. ibs System from Soft Solutions is a complete security and
authentication System that manages all aspects of Soft Solutions Suite data and applications.
Nowadays, companies expect their Systems to be fully auditable. They need to track any action at any time in the fastest
and easiest way possible. ibs System provides also a service to audit the system by different point of view.
“Full tracking capabilities of performed actions”
Each retailer has specific processes and product life cycle interpretations. SoftSolutions'Merchandising Business Suite is adaptable to each retailer's specificities, thanks to configuration sections accessible by the administrators. Subsequently, the Merchandising Business Suitewill fully adapt to the retailer specific business.
Secure the System
ibs System enables retailers to manage the security on all levels starting with a secure access to the applications,
menus, screens, tabs and down to the field level. Users are given access to the screens and functions that relate
to their job roles and responsibilities. All actions and updates performed by users can be logged for auditing purposes.
Data creation, modification, deletion and other activities can be logged and analyzed.
“Secure your system and your information”
ibs System provides comprehensive, efficient and flexible management of users and authorizations. Administrators
create user profiles that describe a group of users. Profiles may be created by department (sourcing, purchasing, pricing),
function (purchasing, pricing manager), role (scope of responsibility) and by user (buyer, assistant, pricing at center,
pricing at store).
Access rights may be set for each application and data scope. Each user is identified by a username and password.
Depending on the user's role and profile, an information viewing level (entities, merchandise structure levels …)
and specific rights (read-only, modification, deletion, validation, language …) will be attributed to the user.
Data format (dates, numbers, currency …) may also be personalized according to the user.
Audit the performed actions
ibs System tracks any addition, modification, deletion of data in the Retail Business and Execution Suites. The available
reports provide the administrator with comprehensive logs retrieving the business name of the changed information and the
modified values.
The Audit reports are available in a standard format, with the option for some views to be consolidated by User,
by business object or by application. Some other consolidation can be built using the ibsReporting solution.
Configure the Suite
In the ibs System configuration section, the Administrator will be able to set global parameters, such as the main
currency, the number and date formats used by the retailer, but also some business related specificities by application,
such as the index calculation for the ibs Pricing application or the order numbering algorithm for ibs Store solution.
The three main ibs System features are:
Set the security
Define your security strategy and apply it to the Suite users. -
Audit the Suite
Check all the performed actions, their results and authors. -
Configure the Suite
Customize the Suite to your business.
ibs System is an administrator tool that provides the functionality to maintain and monitor the Soft Solutions Suite in terms of security, performed actions and tuning.