Configure the Suite

ibs System enables retailers to manage the security on all levels starting with a secure access to the applications, menus, screens, tabs and down to the field level. Users are given access to the screens and functions that relate to their job functions. All actions and updates performed by users can be logged for auditing purposes. Data creation, modification, deletion and other activities can be logged and analysed.

“secure your system and your information”

In the ibs System configuration section, the administrator will be able to set global parameters, such as the main currency, the number and date formats used by the retailer, but also some business related specificities by application, such as the index calculation for the ibs Pricing application or the order numbering algorithm for ibs Store solution.


General Description:
Many applications in Soft Solutions' Suite are using validation cycles for different object (Assortments, Prices…). Each company have different validating step numbers and roles. Moreover, in the same company, the business may evaluate and some more or less validation steps need to be added, removed or updated. To face the both issues in reducing the technical interventions, ibs System contains a Validation Cycle parametrization section.

How To?
The Administrator will define the validation cycle, the number of steps and the different roles for each step. Then the system will consider them into the validation cycle for the next object validation.


General Description:
Each customer has different business process. Then, to fit each process without any technical intervention, the module articulations are set in ibs System parameter section.

How To?
In the dedicated module, the administrator will define the standard process, by role in the application. Once this configuration is done, the users with the related role will have an automatic chaining of the screens.

Once he validates a menu, the following identified one in the ibs System parameter will open automatically.


General Description:
Since our consumers are worldwide implemented, Soft Solutions needs to handle any currency and any dimension system (numbers, dates, metrics).
ibs System provides the companies with a configuration section dedicated to this problematic and manage the entire Suite without any technical intervention.

How To?
ibs System configuration section permits to configure the number formats, to display the rates, the TO, the evolution,…
formats (number of decimals, group separator). It handles also the date format (separator, day, month and year order) and the currency formats (depending on the currency, the number will be displayed with different number of decimals, group separator).


General Description:
The configuration concept is applied also in the different applications as each application business may slightly vary from a customer to another one.

How To?
Here we will take the example of the document naming, which may totally vary, from a company to another one and even in the same company, from a branch to another one. This specific case is also handled in ibs System.

The user may here define the Business Unit which will beneficiate from the naming, the document type (invoice, order…) and the name including automatic text (such as the date, an information from the file content…).