Media Design & Communication

The Marketing Team may determine several supporting media for each promotional event. A media may be flyers, radio or TV commercials, mailing, billboard … ibs Promotions supports all the steps of media creation until the physical building by an Ad Agency.

The customer receives a lot of information and solicitation concerning the promotional event and an average of 15kg of flyers per year. Even if the web takes a bigger part in the communication, the Flyer stays one of the most efficient media to attract customers. In terms of process, up to 200 people may be involved in a flyer creation, most of them are the Category Business Managers (CBM) and Marketing Team. The number of people involved in Radio or TV is on the opposite composed of only 1 or 2 people.

ibs Promotions is particularly efficient in the management of the full process of flyer building and will manage all the communication throughout the different departments. Anyway, other Media can be built such as TV or Radio. Information such as the duration of the spot or the start date and end date of the spot.


For the Media of Type "Flyer", the Marketing determines a lot of information that will be provided to the different teams, with the physical flyer as a bottom line.

The Marketing determines the flyer structure (number of versions, number of pages, number of slots) based especially on the strategy of the event, objectives and budget defined upstream.

Flyer versions for a promotional event may be needed to adapt:

  • the product to the market and customers (stores in the North vs South of the country)
  • the clients and their needs (i.e: customers living in apartment or house)
  • media duration
  • the store size (long version, short version…)
  • the various prices
  • the different languages

The Marketing then defines the pages and slots that will compose the Flyer. ibs Promotions provides retailers two types of slots (delimited space appearing on a page):

  • Slots for Products: products and their information
  • Slots for non-products: reserved for the information of the distributor to external actors, stores or customers


Product content can be adapted to the market needs. In the example, a first version of the page offers some whiskey and beer and a second version page offers whiskey and Pastis. Indeed, the version 1 targets customers in the North of France, unlike the 2nd version targets the South where the Pastis is much consumed than in the North.

Once the flyer structure is defined by the Marketing, Buyers are notified. They can thus get the slots to be allocated according to their rights and the categories they are responsible.

The allocation of products on the flyer is a joint process between the Marketing and buyers, facilitated by validation cycles, workflow alerts and various reports in real time.

The Marketing can then focus on the Graphic Management of the Media: Storyboard, Picture Management, Text Management… A media storyboard describes " the story " to be told to the retail customer. The text added to the flyer may be of different types:

  • Attached to the product: the marketing comments are dynamic characteristics (promotional designation, marketing roles, comments…), used to be able to communicate instructions to stores or to the Ad agency which will build the physical flyer
  • Attached to the flyer, used to communicate general messages about the promotional event.

The Marketing Team can create a media very quickly thanks to different templates already present in the library of ibs Promotions:

  • Flyer Template
  • Page Template

The media graphic tool enables users to view the result of his work and rework the graphical position in the graphical tool.

ibs Promotions allows users to make last minute changes (color, price etc..) following a validation cycle, and communicate in real time to alert all actors affected by this change and related impacts


The Flyer building process involves internal teams (Marketing Team and Purchase team) and external teams (such as Ad Agency, Printers or the Flyer Distributor). It requires an efficient synchronization between all these teams.

ibs Promotions offers many solutions to facilitate monitoring and decision making, such as deadlines definition, validation cycles, templates and reports.

  • Communication with internal stakeholders (Marketing, Finance, top executives, buyers…)
    • Schematic Report to review the products selection and layout
    • Slot Validation report
    • Price Validation report
    • Late Change Validation providing information to help in the approval of current late changes
    • Promo Margin Analysis to identify subcategories that are contributing the most to the change in EGM% for a Category
  • Communication with the stores / Distribution Media
    • Sales dates definition
    • Distribution dates definition
    • Adaptation to the market (eg distribution date in France and Belgium)
    • Deadline to order
  • Communication with the Ad Agency
    • Information for the marketing department or advertising agency
    • Promotional text definition
    • Visual Product solution
    • Image library management
    • Products to be take in picture definition
    • Schematic report for the ad agency to build the flyer mock up