Build Attractive and Efficient Planograms

The way you build the planogram is decisive, influential and triggers the purchase desire of consumers. In the same manner, the planogram should reflect the company's strategy. Consequently, the planogram is the contact point between the consumer's desire and the company's strategy.

“improve your shelf layout to make the purchase act more natural and spontaneous”

The following elements have been identified as primary consumers expectations:

  • Optimal visual appeal of products
  • Accessibility of the products on shelf (self-service)
  • Products visibility and quick recognition
  • Optimal shelf fulfilment (no risk of out of stock)
  • Respect of product conservation requirements

Retailers target:

  • Linear space profitability
  • Optimal inventory management
  • Replenishment productivity (right time with right quantity)
  • Improve visual transformation of linear, furniture and accessories


ibs Space Planning suggests solutions to visually build your segmentation. This visualization could be helpful to have a global vision of the final result regarding the planogram in terms of some key indicators such as: the size, position and logic of products implementation.

The Added-values of the parameters for an effective and optimal planogram:

  • Employment of varied segmentation criteria with priority management
  • Setting parameters for specific rules (items, fixtures and accessories and merchandising rules)
  • Cross merchandising strategy (grouping products from different departments on the same shelf)
  • Put forward and develop priority segments versus "minimize" non priority segments
  • Shelf animation: innovation and promotion highlight, position signals
  • Cohesiveness between universal divisions and departments implementation
  • Customer flow and traffic


With the support of ibs Assortment, a direct transposition of assortment on planogram will be possible even with the complexity of local specificities requirements. This link will no doubt spare time to retailers and improve the data reliability at all levels.

Local specificities require complex but effective organization mode within assortments, which can be fulfilled by the implementation of ranks, sub-assortments and multi format solutions. These solutions allow decomposing the original assortment into several versions to precisely response to each local specific customer expectation and need.


ibs AMS automatically suggests the best products positioning to optimize shelf's profitability. Planogram versioning and sales forecast make ibs AMS an indispensable support to make optimal decisions.

Moreover, the planogram update process can be automatic such as; a product is replaced by another similar one directly on the planogram.

“maximize square-meter profitability, at the same time offer a more seducing and appeal layout”