Translate by Exception
ibs Multilanguage is a Solution that allows the translation of all the Soft Solutions applications into any language or to the same language but using the company business terms.
“work in your language, fits to your business”
Soft Solutions' ibs Multilanguage translate any keyword in the Soft Solutions' Suite through two ways: either manually
in the application, or massively thanks to an export procedure to work on spreadsheets.
We will here detail the manual translation in ibs Multilanguage application, which consists in translating any application
keyword, report or Business model object.
General Description:
The different Soft Solutions' Suite applications contain many kinds of keywords: they can be:
- Menus
- Field names
- List of values
- Alert messages
Some object values are also translatable; especially whenever the same product has different names in the different
countries the company is implemented.
Ex: We have a retailer implemented in Russia and in Poland; the same product has different names in each country, especially
because they are not using the same alphabet.
How to?
There, we need to differentiate the objects and their values. The objects are basically a keyword and such as the other
keywords, they will be translated in ibs Multilanguage.
The object values are translated in the Business application thanks to an embedded Multilanguage service, in the ibs
Referential screens.
Whenever the user will connect to the application, ibs System will map this user with its preferred language and display
all the information in this language.
“translate in ibs multilanguage or use its embedded services in the suite”
If the user (especially an administrator) needs to change the language to have the same vision than another user of
Soft Solutions' Suite, he may do it from his Dashboard page. Then, all the application he will enter will be displayed
in the selected language.
To note that if for a reason an administrator wants to change a keyword in any menu, he may use the embedded ML service,
which avoids the administrator to open ibs Multilanguage, but permits to translate any keyword present on the displayed
page in a generated pop up.
General Description:
ibs Multilanguage permits also to translate the reports generated by ibs Reporting and the Business Model.
Then, even the reports, which are not created by Soft Solutions' teams but by the customer himself will be translatable.
Each company branch is able to consult its KPI with its business names in its language.
“share the information and analyze it in your own language”
How to?
The report and Business Model translations services are in the ibs Multilanguage Solution. To translate a report, the user
will have previously identified in ibs Reporting, the words that will be handled by the ibs Multilanguage.
The user selects the report or the Business Areas he needs to work on and then translate the different keywords in any
identified language in ibs Referential.